Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What type of personality are you?

There are numerous tests to figure out what type of personality you are but one widely used test is the 16Personalities test. It asks alot of different questions dealing with extrinsic and intrinsic matters. The following link takes you to a test to determine what kind of personality you are.

Personality Test

So...what field would you choose?

Psychology has so many routes that it's a difficult decision on what to choose for a route to take. Among mental health, io psychology, memory psychology, sport psychology, and even health psychology, what route would you think of choosing if you had the opportunity? I personally choose the IO Psychology route as I like the business aspect of the workplace and would enjoy finding special talents among people and making the workplace blossom.

Stress and college students

Every college kids has a stressful moment with school at one point or another. Whether it's finals week, or even the first day of school, mental preparation and the failure to keep that preparation is detrimental to a kid in college. There is a reported 30% of college students that feel overwhelmed at a point in school and there are some physical and mental problems that come with it. Some physical symptoms include increased amount of headaches, reoccurring colds and illness, fatigue, and muscle aches. Some emotional symptoms include higher frustration levels, increased difficulty in getting things done, feelings of hopelessness, and a greater feeling of time pressure.

Image result for stressed college students

So what can be done to cope with these effects? Some things to help with stress are making sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep, talking to friends or family, laugh a bit, have a good cry, and just taking a moment to relax and some good self talk.

Common Disorders

There are many disorders that are common among numerous people across the world. Some include substance abuse, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder. Alot of these are disorders that relate to adults in the U.S. and many of these disorders can go untreated. There are countless other disorders that are very common among individuals and many of them can be co morbid but for sake of information, these disorders are some of the most common.

Psychological disorders

Winter affects people differently

Every wondered why people act differently in the winter? Why their moods seem to be down? It may be due to Season Affective Disorder. A fun acronym is that it makes you SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder tends to have symptoms of feeling upset, lethargic, increased desire to sleep, and a sense of loss in the coming days of winter. People's lack of energy can upset the balance of work and relationship life, causing complications. It is actually recognized in the DSM-V and to help combat SAD, there's a therapy known as light therapy which concentrates more light whether it be inside or outside to help boost a person's mood. Also some medications such as Paxil and Zoloft have been helpful in managing the symptoms.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Salaries of an MH Psychologist vs. IO Psychologist

Depending on what field you go into psychology, we'll focus on two popular ones that I've mentioned frequently that people get into. There are different salaries for each position and here are some of the focus:

Clinical and school Psychology: Around $72,000/year
Psychiatrist: Around $182,000/year
Social Worker (LCSW): Around $64,000/year
I/O Psychologist: Around $80,000/year.

Is Your Friend a Psychopath?

Ever met someone who is just a little "odd"? Maybe someone who has freaked you out a little bit with their behavior. Well the burning questions some people have is "Is this person a psychopath?"

Image result for psychopath descriptionImage result for dsm 5
The DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders goes into prognosis, characteristics, prevalence, risk factors and more. One thing that's not very common but one thing I've had experience with is meeting a psychopath. Above in the picture, it shows some qualities of what a psychopath would possess and what you would need to consider when making this assumption.