Monday, November 21, 2016

How to become an IO Psychologist

I've kind of scratched the surface of what an IO Psychologist does but to give a refresher, here's a shortened version. An IO Psychologists promotes better management, help with training programs and hiring oppertunities, and boost company performance. They possess skills such as decision making, problem solving, research capabilities, deductive reasoning, and data analysis. So what all does it take to become an IO Psychologist then?

Image result for io psychology

To start off, most IO Psychologists have a degree in some health science field such as Psychology and then you'll want to focus on that particular field if you can. Afterwards, taking the GRE will be the next step into grad school where you can declare a master's degree in IO Psychology. Chacnes are you'll have to come up with a thesis and find an internship that'll connect you with professors in your field. Finally if you want to go over and beyond, work on a PhD. You'll want to send our job applications to get your feet into the ground before you do this to gain some experience then go back to school after or before getting a job. Most of the time, this will take 4-6 years for most people.

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