Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Stress and college students

Every college kids has a stressful moment with school at one point or another. Whether it's finals week, or even the first day of school, mental preparation and the failure to keep that preparation is detrimental to a kid in college. There is a reported 30% of college students that feel overwhelmed at a point in school and there are some physical and mental problems that come with it. Some physical symptoms include increased amount of headaches, reoccurring colds and illness, fatigue, and muscle aches. Some emotional symptoms include higher frustration levels, increased difficulty in getting things done, feelings of hopelessness, and a greater feeling of time pressure.

Image result for stressed college students

So what can be done to cope with these effects? Some things to help with stress are making sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep, talking to friends or family, laugh a bit, have a good cry, and just taking a moment to relax and some good self talk.

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