Thursday, November 17, 2016

Influential IO Psychologists

There are many influential psychologists out in the field, some who get plenty of credit and those who go unnoticed. Yet there's a select set of IO Psychologists I found intriguing with regards to academics or in the workplace. As mentioned in one of my posts, I brushed the surface of who the WBI is, and in this blog, I will give you one of the most important figures in that group. Gary Namie, who is a leading authority on workplace bullying, of the WBI and used to teach psychology and management classes. Another notable IO Psychologist is Dr. Victor Vroom. Dr. Vroom currently works as a professor at Yale University and is one of the leading experts in organizational behavior, leadership, and decision making. He has received numerous awards and written books over the span of his career.

Influential IO Psychologists

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